Income Tax Department
If you have questions about income tax filing, please contact 740-697-7323 ext. 5. The filing deadline for tax year 2023 is April 15, 2024 at 4:00pm. Filing forms are listed below:
2023 Roseville Income Tax Return
2022 Roseville Income Tax Return
Employer's Monthly Tax Return and Reconciliation
Employer's Quarterly Tax Return and Reconciliation
Income Tax Administrator
Michelle Hamilton
740-697-7323 Ext. 5
Income Tax Ordinance 2015-51
Income Tax Ordinance 2015-51 Detail
Individual Resident Filing
The Village of Roseville has mandatory filing regardless of income for residents ages 18 and over. Income taxes are to be filed by April 15 at 4pm even if an extension has been granted. If an extension is granted the extension must be filed by April 15 at 4pm. If April 15 falls on Saturday-Monday then taxes are due the following business day. For those who are both retired and age 65 or older for the entire year you will not be required to file local taxes.
Roseville's income tax rate is 1%. Since 2016 no tax credit is given for taxes paid to other municipalities. If individuals have a tax liability of $200 or more then you must file and pay declarations. Declarations are an estimation of taxes due and are to paid each quarter. For legislation details concerning the income laws and regulation see