Income Tax Forms Now Available On-Line
Local Taxes for the year 2017 are to be filed no later than 5pm on April 18, 2017. If taxes are filed or placed in the night deposit box after the deadline they will be subject to all late penalties, interest, and late filing fees. We will help individuals file their local tax return for FREE on a first come first serve basis. If you wish to file your own return you may print it with the link below:
Don't hesitate to call for any questions on declaration payments or the tax form itself. A tax return ...
Free Tire Disposal
FREE TIRE disposal for Roseville/Crooksville area residents. November 18, 2017 from 9:00am-Noon or until semi trailers are full. Location is Crooksville Municipal Park; enter from China Street. First come, first serve. Residential scrap tires preferred.
This event is funded by Ohio EPA Mosquito Control Grant that the Perry County Health Department received in 2016 and 2017. Thank you Perry County Health Department!
Leaf Pick Up
The street department will pick up leaves. The leaves must be bagged and set by the curb. Once they are ready send an email to or call the office at 740-697-7323 ext. 0.
Splash Pad Coming Spring 2018
We are excited to announce and show the design of the splash pad that will open next year.
Trick or Treat Night Press Release
The Village of Roseville listens to concerned parents and emergency personnel and changes the traditions of trick or treating door to door. Beggars Night as we know it has changed drastically and it was hard for us to admit. Participation has diminished, traffic increased, and there is at higher level of concern for safety. Tradition stands strong in this town therefore it took persistent residents and substantial research to finally open our eyes. Former Mayor and Councilwoman Joan Spring said “every house in a neighborhood gave out candy and decorated their houses. Kids could go up one side of the ...