Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report For the Year 2017

CCR2017- Posted 6/22/2018. Download the approved Consumer Confidence Report for the Year 2017.

ROSEVILLE WATER DEPARTMENT submitted the Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) For the Year 2017 to Ohio EPA for approval. When the CCR is approved it will be published here. Check back in June 2018. If you have any questions please contact the Water Superintendent Paul Mills: 740-697-7310.

CCR 2016


Proposed Remedial Action Plan Submitted under Ohio EPA’s “RCRA AND VAP MOA Track”

FORM #18


Proposed Remedial Action Plan Submitted under Ohio EPA’s “RCRA AND VAP MOA Track”

Freddie J. Dixon Foundation / Ungemach Pottery-former Property

Notice is hereby given that on April 13, 2018, Freddie J. Dixon Foundation submitted to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (“Ohio EPA”) a Proposed Remedial Action Work Plan (“Remedial Action Plan”) for the Ungemach Pottery-former located at 26 Potters Lane, Roseville, Muskingum County, Ohio. The Freddie J. Dixon Foundation is conducting a voluntary action at the property under the RCRA and Voluntary Action Program Memorandum of Agreement Track (the “RCRA AND VAP MOA ...


Former Ungemach Pottery Clean Up

PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Entry into Ohio EPA’s RCRA and VAP MOA Track The Freddie J. Dixon Foundation – Former Ungemach Pottery

Notice is hereby given that on February 27, 2018, The Freddie J. Dixon Foundation submitted to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (“Ohio EPA”) a Notice of Entry in the RCRA and Voluntary Action Program Memorandum of Agreement Track (the “RCRA and VAP MOA Track”). The Freddie J. Dixon Foundation Notice of Entry identifies the Former Ungemach Pottery property, at 26 Potters Lane, Roseville, Muskingum County, Ohio 43777, as the property to undergo a voluntary action through the RCRA ...


Save Money on Electric- Vote on May 8th

Communities Come Together to Help Residents Save Money

Electric Aggregation

The Village Councils of South Zanesville and Roseville, along with Trustees of Springfield Township (Muskingum County) have voted to put electric aggregation on the May 8th ballot. Passing this issue will allow them to utilize their collective purchasing power to lower the price of electric generation through a bidding process.

The elected officials of South Zanesville, Roseville and Springfield Township (Muskingum County) have utilized Palmer Energy Company to consult for them through the energy programs of the Ohio Municipal League and the County Commissioners Association. Currently Perry Township (Muskingum ...


Cemetery Position Open

The Village of Roseville is seeking a qualified candidate to maintain Rose Hill and Roseville Cemeteries for the summer. This is a part-time seasonal position paying $10 per hour. To apply download and fill out the application below or stop in to the office at 107 N. Main Street, Roseville Oh 43777. For questions contact Jeffrey Slack, Village Administrator at 740-697-7323 ext. 4.

We will be accepting application starting March 14, 2018 through March 28, 2018. No application will be accepted after this date. Advertisement is also posted in Perry County Tribune March 14, 2018 edition.



Roseville Business Opportunities






The Village operates and maintains its own water and sewer treatment facilities, police and fire departments, and 4 public parks. Other government offices located in the Village include a United States Post Office, Muskingum County Library, Roseville Historical Museum, Perry County Metropolitan Housing, Village Green low income and independent living housing.


The Village of Roseville, Ohio was incorporated February 18, 1840. Our Village is in two counties being Muskingum and Perry. The total population for both ...


Perry Behavioral Health Choices

Friends and Family Group

PBHC invites the friends and families with loved ones in addiction to join together the second and fourth Tuesday of every month to battle and cope with addiction.

Located at the PBHC Activity Center: 112 South Main Street, New Lexington Oh 43764

Doors open at 6:00pm

Meeting begins at 7:00pm

Coffee and Snacks Provided



Magic Show and Dinner

Carroll Baker- Magic Show You Tube video

Roseville Police Department

Magic Show and Dinner Fundraiser

April 15, 2018 @ 3:30pm

Roseville Police Department is selling tickets for a Magic Show on Sunday, April 15, 2018. The cost is $15 and includes the magic show with live animals and dinner. Dinner will begin at 3:30pm with the MAGIC starting at 5pm located at the Roseville Community Center (13047 Karl Brown Road). There will be a silent auction for kids; $1 for 5 tickets plus you get 1 free ticket at the door. Purchase your tickets from any of the police ...


W. Athens Rd Bridge Replacment

February 13, 2018

RE: West Athens Road Bridge Replacement (PER-CR3-3.37, PID 106429); Property Owner Notification

Dear Resident:

We are pleased to inform you that the Village of Roseville, in cooperation with the Ohio Department of Transportation, intends to make improvements to the West Athens Road Bridge. Improvements will include the replacement of the existing bridge. We are currently in the initial phase of project development and therefore, there are no prepared construction plans and we do not know what the impact, if any, will be to your property. Any information you may have regarding your property or ...


Public Meeting Sidewalk Replacement

On February 20, 2018 the public is welcome to come and view the plans and documents on replacing certain sidewalks within the Village. Location of meeting: 107 N Main Street, Roseville Oh 43777.

Sidewalk replacement includes parts of the following streets: Main Street, First Street, Second Street, and Third Street.

Viewing will be held from 5:00pm-6:30pm immediately before the regular scheduled council meeting. The plans are published below:

Detail plans


Contact us today.

Send us an e-mail using the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

  1. The Village of Roseville
    107 N Main Street
    Roseville, Ohio 43777

Hon. Bryan Stickel, Mayor
Vickie Gussler, Council President Pro-Tem
Jeff Slack
, Village Administrator
Debbie Birkimer, Village Government Chief Fiscal Officer & Clerk of Council

Village Government contact info
Village Council contact info

    The Village of Roseville does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.

    The Village of Roseville is an equal opportunity employer. We will not discriminate and will take affirmative action measures to ensure against discrimination in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the bases of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran's status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

    ©2025, The Village of Roseville, Ohio. All rights reserved. Site by Kelly Creative Tech. Log in