Roseville Trash and Recycling Collection


Roseville Single Trash Hauler Information Packet

Refuse Hauling Public Announcement #1: December 30, 2020

This announcement is being drafted to inform residents of factual information about the upcoming trash and recycling collection in Roseville. This is the first of many announcments to come. The employees of the Village and Big Dog Refuse will make the transition as smoothly as we possibly can.

§Council approved Big Dog Refuse to be the Village of Roseville's single trash hauler for residential customers on December 29, 2020 as they were the lowest and best bid. Council made this decision after nearly 1 year of discussions and research. This was the second attempt to pass a single trash hauler in the past 15 years. This decision was made in order to prolong the useful life of the Village's one-million-dollar road resurfacing project that was completed in October of 2020 and the $400,000 storm drain project.

§This is curbside TRASH and RECYLING service for all residents with an option for businesses to participate. This service will begin April 1, 2021. Each resident will receive a 95 gallon trash container and a 35 gallon recycling container on wheels by April 1st.

§This is an unlimited trash service, within reason (no moving, multiple families, etc), and will allow 1 large item per month for disposal. All items must comply with State and Local laws for disposal. Big Dog will be working with the Village to complete flyers for both the trash service and recycling service that will detail what and when items can be collected.

§Big Dog Refuse will be doing quarterly billing for your trash service. A senior discount will be given for those with a Village approved application that verifies you are 65 years of age and head of household at the beginning of the quarterly billing cycle. A simple application process will be set up by the Village.

§The Village will be notifying trash haulers that Roseville is now a single trash hauling community effective April 1, 2021. There will be information put in the newspaper, on social media, and email notifications. It would still be appropriate to let your hauler know. If you paid for an entire year (2021) you may start seeking a refund for quarters 2, 3, and 4. If anyone is having difficulties getting reimbursement from their trash hauler contact Heidi Milner and she will help you. However, you must first show proof of an email or letter seeking reimbursement on your own. The Village will draft a sample letter that you can use.

§Each resident will receive the following rates. Despite the rumors no one including elected officials or employees of the Village will receive different rates than what is stated below. If you know this is happening please report it to the Mayor or Heidi Milner. The Village will be conducting rate audits to assure this.

§There is no opt out option for residents. This was discussed during the public meeting but never was a decision made to allow this option. This option was up to Village Council. The haulers would not give completive rates if they don't know how many people will opt out. The opt out option not only eliminates the savings to residents but also eliminates the goal of reducing large vehicles on Village roads, curbs, and storm drains deeming the entire process a waste of time and money. In no documents that were approved by Village Council in the past year was there an opt out option for this round. Council approved the advertisement for bid, bid documents, and now the notice of award. The opt out option was 10 years ago which led to non-competitive rates and no contract.

Village of Roseville
Big Dog Refuse Contract Rates for everyone
"2020 Trash Removal Proposal"
Big Dog Refuse
6925 Rose Hill Rd
Roseville, Oh 43777
Service 1 Residential Cart Trash & Recyling Year 1: Contractor Billing Customers $ 15.95 Monthly
$47.85 Quarterly
Service 1 Residential Cart Trash & Recyling Year 2: Contractor Billing Customers $ 15.95 Monthly
$47.85 Quarterly
Service 1 Residential Cart Trash & Recyling Year 3: Contractor Billing Customers $ 16.70 Monthly
$50.10 Quarterly
Service 2 Senior Residential Cart Trash & Recyling Year 1: Contractor Billing Customers $ 14.95 Monthly
$44.85 Quarterly
Service 2 Senior Residential Cart Trash & Recyling Year 2: Contractor Billing Customers $ 14.95 Monthly
$44.85 Quarterly
Service 2 Senior Residential Cart Trash & Recyling Year 3: Contractor Billing Customers $ 15.65 Monthly
$46.95 Quarterly
Service 3 Optional Small Business Cart Trash & Recyling Year 1: Contractor Billing Customers $ 16.95 Monthly
$50.85 Quarterly
Service 3 Optional Small Business Cart Trash & Recyling Year 2: Contractor Billing Customers $ 16.95 Monthly
$50.85 Quarterly
Service 3 Optional Small Business Cart Trash & Recyling Year 3: Contractor Billing Customers $ 17.65 Monthly
$52.95 Quarterly
Service 3 Optional Small Business 2-yard dumpsters Year 1: Contractor Billing Customers $ 50.00 Monthly
$150.00 Quarterly
Service 3 Optional Small Business 2-yard dumpsters Year 2: Contractor Billing Customers $ 50.00 Monthly
$150.00 Quarterly
Service 3 Optional Small Business 2-yard dumpsters Year 3: Contractor Billing Customers $ 55.00 Monthly
$ 165.00 Quaterly
Service 4 Optional Large Business 3-yard dumpsters Year 1: Contractor Billing Customers $ 65.00 Monthly
$195.00 Quarterly
Service 4 Optional Large Business 3-yard dumpsters Year 2: Contractor Billing Customers $ 65.00 Monthly
$195.00 Quarterly
Service 4 Optional Large Business 3-yard dumpsters Year 3: Contractor Billing Customers $ 70.00 Monthly
$ 210.00 Quarterly
Service 4 Optional Large Business 5-yard dumpsters Year 1: Contractor Billing Customers $ 100.00 Monthly
$300.00 Quarterly
Service 4 Optional Large Business 5-yard dumpsters Year 2: Contractor Billing Customers $ 100.00 Monthly
$300.00 Quarterly
Service 4 Optional Large Business 5-yard dumpsters Year 3: Contractor Billing Customers $ 110.00 Monthly
$330.00 Quarterly
Allowable Monthly Charges:
Utilize smaller carts No extra charge. Advance notice required
Extra Cart 90-100 Gallon Trash Contact for Pricing To be determined
Extra Cart 35 Gallon Recycle Contact for Pricing To be determined
Bid Requirements:
Contractor Bills Quarterly
Liability Insurance Requested 12/15/2020
Bid Bond/Guarantee $10,000
Bureau of Workers Compensation 12/15/2020-07/01-2021 Received 12/15/2020
Non-Collusion Affidavit Christinia & Justin McPeak, Owner
Personal Property Taxes Affidavit Not Charged
Pick up Day Friday
Trash Cart Size 95 Gallon
Recycling Cart Size 35 Gallon
Addendum Signed Yes-Received 12/15/2020
EPA or Health Department License Disposal Site Requested 12/15/2020 Received HM

Please remember this- The Village employees including myself don't get to pick and chose what jobs, rules, and policies we enforce. We have to enforce every policy that Roseville legislators make. All we can do as employees is try to make things as easy and smooth as possible. Do not call employees, councilmembers, or the Mayor names like Hitler for doing their jobs and don't make threats, accusations, or assumptions that you don't have proof on. They will not be tolerated and will be reported to the Sherriff's office. If you do have reason to believe that someone is getting "kickbacks", violating policies, or any illegal activity report them to the proper authorities. Otherwise keep them off of this page. You may however ask as many questions as you like and we will try to answer them to the best of our ability. At times we may need to seek Mayor and/or council's claritifactions if it is someting that is not addressed in the approval documents.

Contact us today.

Send us an e-mail using the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

  1. The Village of Roseville
    107 N Main Street
    Roseville, Ohio 43777

Hon. Bryan Stickel, Mayor
Vickie Gussler, Council President Pro-Tem
Jeff Slack
, Village Administrator
Debbie Birkimer, Village Government Chief Fiscal Officer & Clerk of Council

Village Government contact info
Village Council contact info

    The Village of Roseville does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.

    The Village of Roseville is an equal opportunity employer. We will not discriminate and will take affirmative action measures to ensure against discrimination in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the bases of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran's status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

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