Surplus bids May 8, 2020
21st April 2020
The Village of Roseville will be accepting Sealed Bids by the Fiscal Officer of the Village of Roseville, Ohio
until 2:00p.m., on May 8, 2020 to surplus the following vehicles and equipment “as is” with minimum bid
requirements as identified below:
Street Department
1994 White International (1HTSDAAN8RH590480) - $500
1996 White International (1HTSDAAN8TH269904) – $500
Bids received will be publicly opened and read at the
deadline time, at the Clerk’s office, 107 N. Main Street,
Roseville, Ohio. A report will be made to Council for
subsequent action.
Bid documents shall include the name of the surplus
material as identified above and include the name and
contact information of the person(s) placing the bid.
Each bid shall be in a sealed envelope and clearly
marked “Surplus Material May 8, 2020”.
The Village of Roseville reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any formalities. Questions or to look at vehicles and/or equipment should be directed to the Village Administrator, (740) 270-2342.