Extra Patrol Request Form
31st July 2018
107 N. Main Street
Roseville Ohio 43777
(740) 697-7315 Fax (740) 697-0064
Chief of Police Joey Carr Mayor Dave Carroll
The patrol unit patrols all parts of the Village on a daily basis. Officers try to cover every part of the Village several times a day. Any person may request extra patrols to alert officers to pay particular attention to a specific location during their routine patrols.
You may request extra patrol for a particular problem such as suspicious activity; concerns over someone who may cause harm to you or your property; dumping; or any traffic concerns
To request an extra patrol within Village of Roseville, contact the Roseville Police Department at
(740) 697-7315, or print, fill out form, and return form to the Roseville Police Department
The Roseville Police Department cannot guarantee that a crime will not occur on your property.