W. Athens Rd Bridge Replacment

February 13, 2018

RE: West Athens Road Bridge Replacement (PER-CR3-3.37, PID 106429); Property Owner Notification

Dear Resident:

We are pleased to inform you that the Village of Roseville, in cooperation with the Ohio Department of Transportation, intends to make improvements to the West Athens Road Bridge. Improvements will include the replacement of the existing bridge. We are currently in the initial phase of project development and therefore, there are no prepared construction plans and we do not know what the impact, if any, will be to your property. Any information you may have regarding your property or roadway rights of way should be forwarded to the Village.

We are currently at the stage of design when it is necessary to perform a topographic survey, soil borings, and environmental investigations. The Village of Roseville has contracted with the consulting firm Hull & Associates, Inc. (Hull) to design the bridge replacement. Field crews from Hull, and their sub-contractors may need to enter upon your property along the roadway to perform the field survey, environmental investigations, and subsurface investigations. These representatives have been instructed to carry with them a copy of this letter so that you can identify them. The field personnel will not be able to provide any definite information or answers to your questions concerning the project. They will simply be collecting information for further evaluation and consideration during the project design.

The topographic field survey and the subsurface investigation is currently scheduled to begin immediately and extend through approximately April 1st. The environmental investigations and may be conducted over a longer period of time.

ODOT District 5 is currently in the process of developing the environmental document for the proposed improvement. As a part of the environmental process we are required to notify the adjacent property owners and solicit comments and concerns regarding the improvement. Your comments can assist ODOT in identifying issues of local concern, such as fire and emergency services which will help us with the planning of this improvement to the highway system. We are also seeking comments, information or concerns about social, environmental and economic impacts of the undertaking. Environmental information includes cultural resources (archeological and history/architecture resources), ecological features, and hazardous materials locations. We are interested in any concerns or information you have regarding these types of properties and the project.

Sections 5517.01 and 163.03 of the Ohio Revised Code authorize such entries but also require that reimbursement be made for any actual damage resulting from such work. The work crews have received strict instructions concerning the preservation of private property and public lands. In the event that any valuable vegetation must be cleared in order to accomplish our work, you will be notified and informed as to the procedure to follow in preparing a claim for reimbursement. In all cases, however, removal of vegetation as well as other damage will be held to a minimum.

At this time, construction of the bridge replacement project is scheduled to begin in April of 2020. With the project requiring closure of Athens Road, Hull will develop a detour plan for continued access during project construction. The detour plan will generally consist of following SR 93 past W. Athens Road to Karl Brown Road (CR 102) to Zanesville Road to Main Street and back to Athens Road.

If at any time you feel that the Village of Roseville’s representatives have not given proper attention to your property or have any questions regarding the project or proposed detour, please contact Village Administrator Jeff Slack with the Village of Roseville at 740-697-7323 or at administrator@rosevilleoh.com or Project Coordinator Grant Schooley with Hull & Associates at 740-344-5451. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation and assistance.


Dave Carroll, Mayor

Village of Roseville

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  1. The Village of Roseville
    107 N Main Street
    Roseville, Ohio 43777

Hon. Bryan Stickel, Mayor
Vickie Gussler, Council President Pro-Tem
Jeff Slack
, Village Administrator
Debbie Birkimer, Village Government Chief Fiscal Officer & Clerk of Council

Village Government contact info
Village Council contact info

    The Village of Roseville does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.

    The Village of Roseville is an equal opportunity employer. We will not discriminate and will take affirmative action measures to ensure against discrimination in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the bases of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran's status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

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