Regular Council Meeting
The Policy and Procedure meeting for March 11th has been cancelled. Regular Council Meeting will be March 18th @ 6:30pm at the William H. Barker Community Center.
Upcoming Meetings
Spring Clean Up

Reminder from WIN Waste
Water Break on East Athens
East Athens Rd. will be closed while our crew works on a water break. East Athens and Hickory St. will be without water for an undetermined amount of time. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Water Break
Our crew is currently working on a water break in alley behind Washington St. Potters Alley, Fifth St., Fourth St. and some of N. Main may be affected.
Boil Advisory
There is a boil advisory in effect until further notice for anyone that was affected by the water break today, February 2nd.
Water Break
The Crew is working on a water break on Chaney St. James St., Summit St. and Chaney St. may be affected.
Upcoming Public Meetings
Water Break on Zanesville Rd.
Some customers on Zanesville Rd. will be without water for an undetermined amount of time today, January 28th, due to a water main break.